19th Ave New York, NY 95822, USA

The last letter (t) has been
designed as an upward pointing
arrow to indicate an immediate
growth in success. The upward
pointing direction symbolizes
optimism, improvement, forward
motion...delivery. In addition, it
is placed slightly higher than the
rest of the elements to convey a
sense of detachment and
reinforce the concept of growth.
It is as if it were a mathematical
formula in which the union of the
business and Zuplyit multiples
results exponentially, bringing
success and positivity.

Do you have 10 stores or more?

All of your retail store management needs, in one single platform.

Manage orders from all your channels: Website, App, Marketplaces, Kiosks, Phone calls, along with its delivery, from a single platform. By having automatic synchronization with your POS, operational efficiency will be optimized, and errors minimized.

+ 0


+ 0


+ 0


+ 2000000

Monthly Orders

Perhaps these cases seem familiar to you…
Do you not have a record of who, what and how often they buy from you in your physical stores or in Marketplaces? (but you do in your eCommerce)

“I don’t know if it’s the same person who buys from me 100 times or 100 different people who buy from me once.”

Patricia, CMO

The lack of customer date leads to:

– The inability to carry out personalized marketing campaigns to increase your sales.
– You will not be able to retain customers if you do not know their purchasing habits.
– The lack of information will not let you launch new products.

Do you have several technological programs that create multiple repetitive processes across different screens and devices, generating an increase in administrative tasks for both the store and headquarters?

We haven’t found a technology that solves all our needs, so we end up having a program for each task, which generates a lot of chaos.

Eduard, COO

Lacking an integrated solution can lead to:

– Having to manually enter orders into the POS system.
– Needing to communicate with multiple suppliers every time a technical issue occurs.
– Being compelled to negotiate, sign contracts, and make payments to multiple companies.
– You are constantly experiencing a rise in administrative expenses.

As a non-specialist in technology, do you not know what is the ideal solution to address your current and future needs?

“The dilemma is: should I add a solution for each process, or use an end-to-end solution?”

Alexander, CEO

If you don’t have an integrated solution, it’s very likely that:

– You’ll need to change your solution from time to time because the one you had became limited in terms of capacity and functionalities.
– Your data and processes are fragmented, making management difficult and generating operational inefficiencies.
– Making informed decisions will be challenging, and as a result, effectively driving your business could be hindered.

Several challenges, SOLVED with one single software.


Online Store


Customer CRM

Personalized campaigns

Geolocalized campaigns

Dashboard business intelligence

Integration with delivery





Phone calls


Marketplaces Hub

One single screen

Customer loyalty

Promotion management


+ 0 %


- 0 %
Discover how you can take your business to the next level

Request a Demo

Zuplyit offers software that enables you to boost your business through Orders and Deliveries. We provide loyalty tools, marketing strategies, and guidance to help you successfully launch and position your own channel. With Zuplyit, you can expand your customer base, encourage purchase frequency and increase the average ticket value, as well as reduce Marketplace costs.